Restoring therapy foot and back

For healthy and energetic body, consider a foot and back massage. A good massage can increase circulation to the feet, releasing toxins from the body. It also relaxes and relieves aching muscles through reflexology, trigger points that correlate to other parts of the body. Pressure points on the feet called the Solar Plexus are highly affected by stress, and when pressed on can help relieve stress and provide much needed relaxation. A back massage increases blood flow and circulation, thus improving nutrition to the tissues and muscles. This helps in the recovery of aching and sore muscles, especially for people who have done strenuous physical activity or those with tissue injury such as muscle strain. Use 100% pure massage essential oils from 30 medicinal herbs. Used exclusively for kings in the ancient Hue royal court.

Time: 80 / 100 minutes
Price: 80 minutes 670.000vnd/28usd
100 minutes 760.000vnd/31usd
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